You are far more skilled than you know :)
Was it intentionally bilingual, or was that just for style? Not that I minded, I kind of like it more like that, after watching all of Onegai Teacher with only English subtitles. It was good practice for me, seeing that I am currently learning Japanese, so that made it even more worthy of my 9 (a rare thing from me, let me tell you) I may be wrong, but I do believe she called someone an idiot at the end, correct?
Animation was not perfect, but what NEEDED to be there was and what lacked in skill was made up for in style. The hole thing felt consistent, and I was able to tell what was going on 100% of the time, (witch is not normally the case in my anime :P )
It had all the basics of a short story, with an emphasis in comedy, not story complexity, so the stories simplicity is entirely forgivable. It even contained a few little things that only anime freaks would notice (such as the father who is humming the opening music to Neon Genesis: Evangelion)
If you plan to continue this into a series, I suggest you spend a few episodes introducing us to each character, and then after that, make the rest like this one, short, simple, but interesting (a little longer would hot hurt though, if file size permits it)
All in all, I really enjoyed it! Was a nice change from a lot of the stuff I see here on newgrounds. ^_^